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Elementary School Library: Elementary School Library: Home

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Look for a Book!

Anywhere or Anytime!   Use Destiny to locate books in the library! (click on picture below)

NEW! Use your "" email as your username and your password to log-in!  OR if you are already logged into "myhatchets" just click on TOMAHAWK box after clicking on "log-in" and you are in!

Students and staff log-in to search Destiny, place holds on books, and to check out e-books!

Need help?  Have a question about our library? 

Contact our staff!

Mrs. Symonds

Mrs. Geiger

Mrs. Billing

The number of books a student may check out is determined by grade level and individual responsibility for returning materials. 

 Students are encouraged to read and be responsible users of books! 

Students and parents sign the Library Letter at the start of the school year to accept responsibility for the library books they borrow - including paying for lost items. 

1.  Don't judge by the cover alone.

2.  Read the summary on the book.

3.  Read the first paragraph in the book.

4.  Find a favorite genre or book type.

5.  Read a book series.

6.  Choose a book by a well-known author.

7.  Use the five-finger test.

8.  Tell your librarian about some books you've enjoyed and ask for more suggestions.

9.  Read a book that was made into a movie.

10. Ask your friends and teacher for suggestions.

What would you like to read / see in the library?

If you have a resource, book, or link that you think would be helpful for the library, please click submit your comment: please sign your full name so if I have questions I can talk with you on your ideas! For book recommendations, please find the book on Amazon for me to preview. 

Thanks for your ideas!

Mrs. Billing

Suggestion Box

2016 / 2017 School Year Library Class Schedule 

Please help your students to remember their library day!  Return books weekly to check out a new book(s) or renew current book(s) to continue reading.




Episode 6: March 14, 2016

Episode 5: February 16, 2016

Episode 4: February 8, 2016

Episode 3: February 1, 2016

Episode 2: December 14, 2015

Episode 1: November 23, 2015

5th graders - Interested in being on TESN? 

Here's what you need to know and do!

  1. Sign up here - your name will be assigned to the week on the calendar when your week is approved.  You will receive an e-mail letting you know when you are scheduled; this is also posted outside of the green screen room.
  2. Then depending upon the position you requested and actually have been assigned; pick up the forms in the library or download from the links below.  
  3. Preparing for your job with TESN you are required to attend the Monday Editors Staff Meeting (in the library immediately after you finish eating lunch.) At this meeting the Editor will assist reporters with story ideas and set the deadlines for stories.  Reporters are responsible for researching and preparing their own stories. 
  4. You will be expected to practice your story before the first scheduled practice.  


NEWS Program Jobs or Roles:

  • Main News ANCHOR: You lead and direct the newscast: giving big general news items of what has happened or is coming up.
  • Tomahawk Elementary NEWS CO-ANCHOR: This person gives a specialized report on one big topic that about elementary school - this could be an interview or simply a report: not something already discussed by the Main Reporter.
  • SPECIAL REPORTER: Report on area events and news that students may be interested in.
  • EDITOR: You oversee the entire process.  You lead the Monday Editor meeting (immediately after lunch), coach Reporters on script writing, help build stories, and oversee practice and filming.


TESN Time Commitment Expectations:

  • Monday after lunch: required Editors meeting for all TESN members
  • Thursday after lunch: required practice filming, view and critique.  Reporters may have to edit their reports after practice.
  • Friday after lunch: film and upload final news segment for Monday viewing.
  • All TESN members must show up and participate through the entire week of the news program they are assigned; if not, the program may not be filmed, the Editor has the final say in filming.

TESN Student Schedule: based on filming dates and requests.

Week of February 1

EDITOR:  Jenna J (Roberts room)

MAIN NEWS ANCHOR: Hugh B (Barkers room)

CO-ANCHOR:Nik (Roberts room)

SPECIAL REPORTER:  Natalie (Roberts room)


***Editors Meeting 12:15 in Elementary Library Monday February 1

Practice Filming Thursday February 4

Filming Friday February 5

Week of January 25

EDITOR:  Hugh B (Barkers room)

MAIN NEWS ANCHOR: Natalie (Roberts room)

CO-ANCHOR:Zach H (Roberts room)

SPECIAL REPORTER:Jenna J (Roberts room)