Looking for a Book?
Students and staff log-in to search Destiny, place holds on books, and to check out e-books!
Open Daily From 7:45 Am To 3:40 Pm
Middle School Library Aids::
Mrs. Steltenpohl - AM's from 7:45 - 12:15 Steltenpohla@tomahawk.k12.wi.us
Mrs. Barnett - PM's from 11:40 - 3:40 barnettm@tomhawk.k12.wi.us
Teachers please sign up and supervise your students for book check out time during Team Time – this will allow ample time for individual book selection, browsing, and reading enjoyment. This is also time for custom library lessons, activities using library resources to enhance library research skills, activities centered on understanding and using Open Source materials and Creative Commons materials, cyber bulling, and other topics to your customization addressing curriculum needs. Please schedule ahead of time.
Student book check out times: Daily From 7:45 Am To 3:40 Pm
Need to Schedule the library?
Please review available dates and times on the calendar below and complete the request form:
Middle School Library Calendar Request
You will receive a confirmation of your requested time within a day of your request.
Need the Library Computer Lab?
MS Library Computer LAB Reservation Request
Reserve the library computer lab using the request provided.
UPPER Computer Lab Schedule
UPPER Library Computer Lab Calendar Requests
Schedule the UPPER Library Computer Lab using the link to the form.
Need the Green Screen?
Students and Staff:
Reserve the Green Screen using the request provided.
Having a great library filled with books that spark imagination is key to promoting reading among our children.
We are asking for your monetary donations to help fund great new books that will keep our children excited about their visits and keep them coming back.
Our goal is $5,000 to update our selections developing a generation of readers in Tomahawk!