How do I participate?
Battle of the Books Guidelines
The Battle of the Books program is an entirely voluntary one, whose goal is to promote literacy and an appreciation of literature.
A mandatory "Kick Off" meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 19, 2016 during Team in the Middle School library - all teams members must be present!
The list of books is from a statewide Battle of the Books list developed by Wisconsin school librarians and is located on this page. While there are a wide variety of books on the list, the program is meant to be a challenge to students who participate.
►Students have until February 10, 2017 to carefully read the books before the “battles” begin.
► Middle School “Battle of the Books” will be Wednesday February 15, 2017.
The students will participate in rounds of round robin competition. The top Middle School Team who emerges from this round of competition will battle in February 21 - 24, 2017 online for Wisconsin Battle of the Books Competition sponsored by Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association, see the link for WEMTA official rules. State winners are announced the first week of March 2017.
Battle books are available for checkout through the library. These titles can also be found through the public library as well. Finally, teachers and parents are also encouraged to read these books along with their students. Again, this is an entirely voluntary program. However, once a student has made a commitment to be a part of a team he/she may not quit.
Good Luck!
Form groups of 4 students. Groups may be any combination of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students; from any combination of grade levels.
Determine whom will the "team captain." This person is responsible for completing and submitting the Team Sign Up Commitment Form.
Team Captain - fill out the Team Sign Up Commitment Form and turn in to the Middle School library by October 14, 2016.
Everyone! Start Reading!
Battle Rules
Frequently Asked Questions!
1. Do team members have to read all twenty books?
The goal is to read all 20 books among the team members; but each individual is not required to read all books. How many books each member reads will depend upon the member's reading speed, reading level, and interest in the books. Teams will perform better if each book has been read by at least two team members.
2. Can my team compete even if they have not read all 20 books?
Yes. Teams can compete even if they have only read some of the books.
3. How many times should my team meet?
Teams can meet as frequently as they are able and want to meet; however, we recommend teams meet at least three times prior to the competition.
4. What kinds of questions will be asked at the Battle?
Each question will include two parts: a question from the book (worth four points) and the author's name (worth one point.) Author's name MUST be spelled correctly to earn the point. Prizes awarded for teams with top four point totals.
All questions will be very specific and the answers will have been mentioned at least twice in each book. Information in any introduction, dedication, chapter heading, foreword, preface, afterword and author note will all be fair game and could possibly be included in the questions for that book. Some editions of books contain bonus material such as discussion questions and author interviews. While the answers may be mentioned in these bonus sections, we do not count these appearances for our requirements.
Sample questions from past battles:
Q1. In the book, No More Dead Dogs, someone is sabotaging the school play. What are the words that are spray painted on the scenery the first week of rehearsal?
A1. Old Shep, Dead Mutt Author: Gordon Korman
Q2. In the book Wild Man Island, when Andy washes up on the island, he follows a trail into the forest to find a place to get warm. He sees a red, jelly-like blob on the trail. What was it?
A2. Bear scat or bear droppings Author: Will Hobbs
Q3. In the book The Lightning Thief, Annabeth, daughter of Athena, accompanies Percy and Grover on Percy’s quest. Once she discovers which god is Percy’s father, Annabeth teases Percy by calling him a nickname. What is the nickname?
A3. Seaweed Brain Author: Rick Riordan
5. Where can my team meet?
Students can meet before or after school, during lunch time, or any other common time during the day depending upon everyone’s schedule.
Teams may meet in the library during school hours, provided the teams are respectful of others while practicing. (You will need teacher permission.)
6. Does the manager have any responsibilities at the Battle competition?
Managers must be present, or have a designated adult present. The team manager or single designated adult will check-in the team and lead them through team photo area. The manager will then become an audience member.
7. What about costumes?
Teams are not required to wear costumes, but are encouraged to do so. Teams can win prizes for costumes. Please ensure that no book titles, quotations, or authors' names appear anywhere on the costumes. We allow hats and props, but might request their removal during the question competition.
8. What are my responsibilities as a team manager?
Tomahawk Middle School
Middle Level Booklist: 2016-2017
(Grades 6 – 8) View Book Video!
Students the official Practice BOB MOODLE is now open!
Practice Website! BOB groups have your log-in and username. Each group shares the same log-in. Practice many times!
To access The Practice Website:
From the Moodle main page
FIRST click on your course (Elementary, Middle, Senior)
THEN log in with your team username and password, begins with es, ms or sr.
When posting to Moodle forums ...
All school rules apply
Your team account is attached to your Advisors’ email account
Stay on topic - discuss the book with details, not ‘cool’, ‘me too’, etc
Use the Draw10 Practice quizzes
Check your skills! Game for Wednesday January 25, 2017
Kahoot! Game to challenge what you know about the books! provides original, in-studio movies of authors and illustrators, and a wealth of multimedia resources on K–12 books to support reading and library activities for all grades and content areas., a database provided by DPI via Badgerlink, has created customized links for each of WEMTA's Battle of the Books lists. OR search "WEMTA Battle of Books."
**Home Access instructions are posted on the Tomahawk School District Resource Database Page.
Get Started Meeting! Wednesday October 19, 2016 in the library during Team (3:00 - 3:30). This meeting is required for ALL Team Members - your team must be all together at this meeting!
Practice Days: (Meet in MS Library during Team)
All books read and returned to library by Friday February 10, 2017
Tomahawk Middle School Contest
State Contest: February 21 - 24, 2017