Kindle's are available for students to check out from the library. The Kindle Use Permission Form (copies are available in the library or you may print it from the link below) needs to be turned into the School Library Prior to checking out a Kindle.
Please print the form, read it over, and both student and parent will need to sign the form. Return completed form to the library to check out the Kindle.
The form MUST be completed and submitted to the library prior to checking out a school district Kindle.
Navigating the Kindle Touch
Home button: Use the Home button to return to the home screen at any time.
Swipe: Swipe your finger across the screen to turn pages, or scroll up or down within a screen.
Tap: Tap to select buttons or text, and to enter your selections using the onscreen keyboard.
Turning pages: Tap the left side of the screen to return to the previous page in the reading material. Tap the right side of the screen to continue to the next page in the reading material.
Power button: Puts the Kindle Touch to sleep, wakes it up, and turns the Kindle Touch on or off. Please turn Kindle off completely every time!
Headphone jack: Plug in headphones to listen to an audiobook, background music, or content read aloud through Text-to-Speech. Attaching headphones turns off the built-in speakers.
Turning the Kindle ON and OFF:
Power Button
The power button on the bottom of the Kindle Touch puts it to sleep, wakes it up, and turns the Kindle Touch on or off.
To wake up or turn on the Kindle Touch: Press the power button.
To turn the Kindle Touch off: Press and hold the power button for seven seconds until the screen goes blank and then release. Note: if you see a picture on the screen, hold the button longer until the screen goes blank.
To restart the Kindle Touch: Press and hold the power button for 20 seconds before releasing.
What to expect for battery life when I am using it?
Battery Life
You can read for up to two months on the Kindle Touch with wireless turned off, based upon a half-hour of daily reading time. Battery life will vary.
Please keep the Internet OFF – this saves the battery life and extends your reading time! The Internet on the Kindle is not good for Internet surfing – you can really only use Amazon books well with the Kindle.
Using the Onscreen Keyboard
Kindle Touch uses an onscreen keyboard. When you tap within the search window at the top of the Home screen or begin other actions that require you to type in information, you'll see the onscreen keyboard displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Touch the keys to enter your selection, and use the onscreen buttons to continue on to the next action.
Tap the 123 key to enter numbers or symbols. Tap the ABC key to return to the regular keyboard. Tap the Shift key (up arrow) to enter uppercase characters.
Using the Menus
Tap the onscreen Menu button to navigate within the menu screens.
The sample screen below shows you the screen you would typically see when you press the Menu button from within a book or the home screen. Tap the top of your screen once to display the Menu button at any time while you are reading.
Using the Home Screen
The Home screen displays all of the Kindle content and collections: books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, active content, personal documents and audiobooks.
To display the Home screen: Press the Home button near the bottom of the Kindle Touch.
Device name: The name of the Kindle Touch.
Filter By: Tap the arrow to filter the Items or Archives by All Items, Books, Periodicals, Audible, Docs, or Active Content.
Sort By: Tap the arrow to sort the items by Recent, Title, Author, or Collections.
Title: The title of the item.
Author or Date: For books, the author of the item is listed. For periodicals and blogs, the date is listed.
Unread title: The "new" label indicates the item has never been opened and is less than 24 hours old. Once you open a new item or more than 24 hours have passed, the "new" label is removed.
Progress indicator: The series of dots below the item shows how long the book is and bold dots show how far you have read in a particular item.
Audiobook title: The "audio" label indicates the book is an audiobook.
Periodicals: Select to access older issues of newspapers and magazines.
Wireless: Indicates 3G usage or Wi-Fi
Collections: Sorts content based on categories created on the Kindle Touch to organize content.
Is there a book you would love to read on the Kindle right NOW?
Give your ideas by clicking on the image below! Please sign your full name so and provide your e-mail address at school so the library staff can respond to your request. For book recommendations, please find the book on Amazon to ensure the book is available in a Kindle format.
Thanks for your ideas!
Mrs. Billing